Sun Salutation A and Sun Salutation B

Sun Salutation

Sun Salutation A and Sun Salutation B explained

One student left a message saying that he would like to know more about Sun Salutation A and Sun Salutation B. Here are the details:

Surya Namaskar is the Sanskrit name of Sun Salutation. Sun Salutation stressing on one breath one movement and is synchronized - breath, body and mind. Using specific breathing technique (Ujjayi Pranayama), Way of Gazing (Dhistri) and abdominal locked (Uddiyana Bandha). It is a synchronize meditation on breathing & body movement.

There are 9 steps in Sun Salutation A and 17 steps in Sun Salutation B. The picture below shows the steps in Sun Salutation A and B. Black dots means Exhale, White dots means Inhale.

Sun Salutation A

Although showing 11 pictures, picture 2 & 10, and 1 & 11 are a Mountain Pose - the beginning and the ending pose. Arrow up means inhale, arrow down means exhale.

  • Exhale: Mountain Pose (palms put together at the centre of the heart or hands on the side)
  • Inhale: Raise your hand to the sky
  • Exhale: Forward Fold and down
  • Inhale: Straighten the back and lengthen the spine
  • Exhale: Down to 4 Limbs Staff Pose
  • Inhale: Upward Facing Dog
  • Exhale: Downward Facing Dog (take 5 breaths here)
  • Inhale: Walk forward or jump forward, straighten the back
  • Exhale: Forward Fold
  • Inhale: Palms up
  • Exhale: Mountain Pose (palms put together at the centre of the heart or hands on the side)

Sun Salutation B

Pictures show 1-19; picture 2 & 18, and 1 & 19 are repeated. The beginning and the ending pose. Arrow up means inhale, arrow down means exhale.

  • Exhale: Mountain Pose (palms put together at the centre of the heart or hands on the side)
  • Inhale: Palms together, knees bend to Chair Pose
  • Exhale: Forward Fold and down
  • Inhale: Straighten the back and lengthen the spine
  • Exhale: Down to 4 Limbed Staff Pose
  • Inhale: Upward Facing Dog
  • Exhale: Downward Facing Dog
  • Inhale: Right leg forward, hands up to Warrior One
  • Exhale: Down to 4 Limbed Staff Pose
  • Inhale: Upward Facing Dog
  • Exhale: Downward Facing Dog
  • Inhale: Left leg forward, hands up to Warrior One
  • Exhale: Down to 4 Limbed Staff Pose
  • Inhale: Upward Facing Dog
  • Exhale: Downward Facing Dog (take 5 breaths here)
  • Inhale: Walk forward or jump forward, straighten the back
  • Exhale: Forward Fold
  • Inhale: Up to Chair Pose
  • Exhale: Mountain Pose (palms put together at the centre of the heart or hands on the side)

There are some challenging poses for beginners in Sun Salutation A and B.

Step 4 & 16 “straighten the back and lengthen the spine”:

Beginners can just walk forward while others can jump forward. It is important to breathe!

4 Limbed Staff Pose to Upward Facing Dog:

Beginners can try to put the knees down for 4 Limbed Staff Pose, then bend the elbows up to Upward Facing Dog.

Sun Salutation is a fundamental practice. If one does not have one hour to practice, one can just practice 5 sets of Sun Salutation A.